This has been a UFO since mid-December. It took me about 12 hours (major guess... I didn't really keep track and I worked on it pretty distractedly when I did work on it) to finish it up.
And can I just say that if I ever add more pages or do another book, I will DEFINANTLY do it with heavy-weight non-fusible Pellon and not felt. The pellon elimates a lot of steps taken to keep the felt from getting destroyed quickly. The pellon was SO easy. I found mine at Walmart for $1.77/yard. You draw on it, color with crayons, cover with absorbant paper and run your iron over it. The iron and paper will remove the wax from the images leaving only the color behind. Cut it out and use it! Velcro glues to it beautifully and it doesn't require any extra stabliazation. I used the pellon for the make-a-face and counting snake pages (see them below).
You are super amazing! I'm sorry I haven't been able to join in with the UFOs this month. It has turned into a month of trips and visitors. No project time :(
Keep up the good work. The quite book is adorable.
Looks great! My quiet book is taking too long. I haven't really worked on anything else. I may have to put it down and finish it in April (AB's B-day is then) I'm doing the car page and mail pages too! I like the faces page--such a fun idea.
Wow, how cute is that! I always wanted to do one when our kids were little, but it seemed to daunting. You amaze me!
Rosie, I've been meaning to ask you forever what you've done for your quiet books. I have mine from when I was little (missing several pieces), but I am just not sure where to start making one for Cameron. Did you use patterns to start from? What materials should I start with? In other words...HELP!
My quiet book is still sitting in pieces...
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