I cannot possible be old enough to have a kindergartener... Its just not possible.
Even so, apparently that is what I have. Allison's first day of Kindergarten was yesterday.
How cute is she? I'm pretty sure I saw this idea on Pinterest... and I love how cute the photo turned out. Its not often that things turn out are well in real life as they do in my head. I made her dress, which also turned out pretty cute. Allison dug through my fabric and pattern stash and picked it herself. I did give her a little design guidance (she didn't like the picture of the dress on the pattern envelope because it had {cute, heart-shaped!} pockets, and, apparently "pockets are kind of ugly, mom." Um... okay! We made a few changes (including leaving off the pockets) and I think we're both happy with how it turned out.
This idea I totally stole from my sister-in-law Katie. Great way to remember what she liked and was like at five. I love that her favorite food is Lucky Charms and her favorite animal is a unicorn.
While waiting for the bus to come (we did wait awhile... those buses run pretty late the first 10 days of school or so) she found a dandelion and made a wish. Hopefully for a good school year. :)
And she the bus came she got on like she'd been doing it her whole life. Look at that smile... she's so excited to be going to school. *sniff* I feel like somehow my baby is all grown up and doesn't need me anymore.
But, on the positive side of missing my baby at school, the house is SO quiet while she's at school. Its amazing how quiet the house it when the baby is napping and the big kids are yelling at each other. And next week Carter will start and afternoon preschool program 2 days a week... I can almost taste the quiet... :)
Stake Softball
2 weeks ago
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