Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Things a 90 degree day might entice you to do...

cut your hair 6 or 8 inches...

allow your children to play out in the pool for hours and hours and hours... (I'm pretty sure Allison was out there for 4 hours yesterday, and Carter got in 2 and a half after his nap)

yes, Allison is about to pull him down the slide here...

while you sit in the shady garage with ice water and magazines (and still get sunburned!).

Here's to the cold front that suppose to come through tonight and take us down 10 or 15 degrees!


George said...

Aren't you anxious for it to snow again?

Emily said...

Welcome summer, eh?

Rosie said...

snow? No. temps below 85 and humiditys below 70%? you bet!

Frank said...

Ahhh, how would it be? We are looking at 99+ for the next two weeks with no cooling or rain in if you get any, send it down south =)