5) Having a reason to actually get completely ready every morning. Instead, I'm doing pretty well if I have a shower and get my teeth brushed.
4) The quiet drive to and from work, during which I got to listen to music of my own choosing and didn't have to listen to a single child scream.
3) Being surrounded by people capable of carrying on a real conversations more than 4 sentences long and not focused solely on themselves (and their potty-abilities).
2) When you take a day (or more) off of a real job, someone else steps in to do a good part of your work for you. If I take a day off now, I'm just delaying the inevitable.
1) Breaks. Lunch breaks, bathroom breaks, 5, 10 or 15 minutes breaks... I miss them all. There are no breaks for domestic COOs (that would be Cheif Operating Officer).