Thursday, September 18, 2008

First Haircut

Last week I finally bit the bullet and got Allison her first hair cut. This little girls has SO much hair and its getting so long. I wanted to avoid the childhood mullet, so we cut it off at the nape of her neck to give the rest of her hair time to catch up and get all one length. We cut bangs too... her hair was just so long on top and it falls forward. They're a little short, but cute when side swept. What do you think?

On another subject, I had my 12 week doctors appointment yesterday. My doctor couldn't find the baby's heartbeat so we got to do an ultrasound instead. Baby is fine... was active and bouncing around in there... just playing hide and seek right behind my big abdominal vein. In theory we'll find out the gender in 8 weeks. =)


erin elaina said...

You're baby is so pretty! She could have had the mullet and still look adorable!

Bonnie Parks said...

Cute hair cut! It's kind of convincing. I have been thinking about how long Amy's hair is getting and how it looks a little shaggy if I don't put it up. And her bangs are almost in her eyes. Perhaps it's time for just a little trim. Cute cute Allison!

Unknown said...

Really cute!!!!

Barbaloot said...

Holy cats---did not realize you were prego! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Don't I have the cutest grandbabies????
Mom Thornock

Marc and Lori Johnson said...

She is so adorable Rosie!